Thursday, December 10, 2009

How do I connect my Samsung HT-X40 home theater speakers to my Onkyo Audio Receiver?

I have no clue what type of connection the Samsung HT-X40 home theater speakers are.

How do I connect my Samsung HT-X40 home theater speakers to my Onkyo Audio Receiver?soap opera

All speakers need two wires to work; positive and negative one.

One manufacturer blurp is to tell you this: always connect the positive wire to the postive output on the amplifier and the negative to the negative output on the amplifier respectively. But really, should you?

No! Not necessary! Its main purpose is to prevent 'short circuiting' the speaker and amplifier, which can result in explosion or fire.

That's because as long one wire goes through the positive and the other negative output on the amplifier, the speaker and amplifier should work fine.

Important note though: make sure the speaker impedance is supported by the amplifier and that the speaker supports more than the maximum power supplied by the amplifier.

So, modern theatre speakers have clips so that the two wires seems to be one. Just cut the end of the wire, not so close to the clip so you can always 'reconnect' them in the future, snapped them and separate the two wires so you can easily connect later, and then cut off a small portion of the wire head to expose the internal wiring.

There you go. Your Samsung speakers should now be easily connected via 2-input/output wiring on the Onkyo amplifier.

Again. Make sure the Onkyo support the impedance of the Samsung speaker, cause many modern theatre speakers have super low impedance of 2-4ohms, which on amplifiers that support 8-12ohms, you could be firing up the amplifier with heat which will do permanent damage to it.

Hope it helps.

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