Saturday, December 5, 2009

Electrical with ungrounded and grounded outlets with computer and home theater?

Just moved into an apt in a house (tenant) - never thought to look at the outlets. They're all Type A 2 prong ungrounded outlets. Don't think the landlord on fixed income will hire an electrician. Need to run my computer and my home theater (different outlets). How can I do it when all cables are grounded and all surge protectors are grounded. Any answers?

Electrical with ungrounded and grounded outlets with computer and home theater?ms stress

You can bond the ground to the common, but it sound like the electrical is old. I recomend getting a small UPS to condition the power. It;s like a surge strip on steroids, and well worth it.

Electrical with ungrounded and grounded outlets with computer and home theater?home theater system opera theater

you can change the outlets to three prong type and connect the common to the third ( gnd ) . Be sure to use the common , not the hot wire .

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